A gentleman's philosophy of sport

Thu Dec 28 2023 15:59:56 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time)

I have a gentleman’s philosophy of sport, which is to be bumblingly competent at all, and good at absolutely none. You should be able to hit a 3-pointer but not dunk, ski a black diamond but not be able to go backwards, ride a horse but never go faster than a trot. Very sus to be enthusiastic about just one sport. What are you trying to do, be a professional? Cringe.

Unless you're a professional, sports are just fun activities, and being too invested in any one activity comes at the detriment of others, closing yourself off from the world. We all have certain sports we are predisposed to, but to commit to one sport enough to actually be good at it just means that there are dozens of other sports you're bad at, whose unique appeal you'll never appreciate.