The internet breeds maximalism. Web design presents one with so many options to embellish what might begin as a simple idea. It becomes hard to say no to the question “Why not?”

Thu Jan 18 2024 00:45:17 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time)

Websites that look minimalist usually are not in the backend. This is the purgatory of art (worse than Heaven or Hell): a medium being used contrary to it's tendencies, while implicitly relying even harder on those tendencies. It's like all the knockoffs of The Blair Witch Project that used big budgets to achieve a lo-fi look.


  1. Websites that look maximalist, but are simply coded.
  2. Websites that look minimalist, but are simply coded, and websites that look maximalist, and are complexly coded.
  3. Websites that look minimalists, but are complexly coded.